Allan Cole - Designer, Music Producer, Shoe Collector / Studio Roof
March 28, 2007
Wonderful portrait - from head to toe. I love the natural, relaxed posture and the big smile.
- Iris

He is already totally handsome to me. But Bill, you captured Allan perfectly (ESP. with his brand new shoes)...and he smiled!!! I LOVE IT!!! I love the light as well..looks like a perfect day to be at the beach:)
- Alia

a trendy stud if there ever was one
- Josh Rothhaas -

I call this pic... "fresh new kicks" The pic could be used as the cover of his biography "A biography in the SHOES of a famous designer & music producer".

You've captured "optimism" in a photograph! Great combo of subject, light, and color.
- Amber Himes -

Kicked back and matching, he looks like he's having fun. I like that the sky is included, with the surroundings. He doesn't look held by the world as much as he looks comfortable in it.
- Boo -

Wadman, I like this shot, very intense natural lighting...bright whites, vibrant reds, and very crisp overall. Allan this is great. Rock. Peace.
- Darien Birks -

That Allan! He's SOOOO hot! I wish he were mine. Hee hee. :0) The snow looks absolutely surreal, the subject so relaxed. Wonderful!
- Zahra

This pic is very New York, I love the # 9s (Jordans) and the Roof Top, but at the same time he almost looks like he's in front of the icy slope of a mountain, I'm a day dreamer anyways...very nice.
- Akilah Shedrick -