Amy Shawley - Painter and Illustrator / Studio Roof
March 27, 2007
incredible pic, incredible face!
- ljova -

She's so pretty, natural and strong. With the wind like that reminding me of time, this seems like the captured memory of the archetype first love. Certainly there is someone some where saying her name and sighing.
- Boo -

Great photo! I can't stop staring at her face. Something about her expression is plus intriguing.
- Bobo

Yes! I like this one. A real face - real eyes. I like the black background that is really blue that matches her blue dress and blue overtones in her hair and I especially like her smile that is in her eyes even moreso than in her mouth.
- Iris

She looks like trouble but good trouble
- Samson

what a fun picture to admire -- the color saturation & shirt pattern give it the vibe of an old 70s photo album print.
- nuno

I love her smile!
- Yvonne Carts-Powell

- Dan C