Lucas Welch | Non-profiteer, President and Founder of Soliya / Studio
December 14, 2007
Much better than the last one! At least you got close this time. Nice.
- John Andrews

Like chuck norris, but more forgiving.
- John

Is he single?
- Jen

I don't want to be "that guy", but doesn't the oversharpening annoy people? Look at the line between the chest and shirt. :/ Really nice shot overall, but the Sony approach to sharpening doesn't really float my boat. ps. I always look forward to my RSS-reader showing a fresh little "1" next to your feed, and definitely appreciate both effort and talent. Good work.
- Rasmus

My first impression of the subject was that this person is a caring individual who uses his intelligence to make a difference in the world, and then I read Lucas' description and googled Soliya. Soliya is a non-profit that empowers young adults to play a constructive role in creating a more informed, just and peaceful global society. Very admirable, Lucas! (Not to mention, much needed in today's world) Bill, you are incredible at catching the essence of your subjects in your portraits.
- Julie

Looks like Jordan Collier from the 4400.
- Mikey

Ditto that is he single?
- victoria tristram -

It feels really base to say he's hot, but lower me down, man, because damn, he is. The portrait at first looks simple and current; however, the details that are present like the shirt and the chest hair recollect a time when Burt Reynolds would pose with just a bag and David Soul could hear swooning wherever he went.
- Boo

What a superb collection of portraits! I'll take the time to look at each one of them some day soon. Thanks, Eamon
- Eamon -