Jisoo Hong - Art Director, Hamburger Connoisseur / Studio
September 14, 2007
LOVE the shoes.
- rebecca - www.rebeccaatlarge.blogspot.com

I love her pose - and the angle of the lines on the floor are sweet!
- rachel

very cool.
- Andrea - www.andreamann.com

I like the lighting and simple, stark background. However, the sexiness distracts. Too easy.

I particularly like the angle of her feet, how the right foot is off balance, making her appear more venerable.
- Mikey

i love how her left side melts into the wall while her right side is strongly outlined by her shadow. and i think the sexiness is great.
- jess

This image is hot....and this sister is hot. I love everything about this image. I agree...this image is sexy.
- GUS BENNETT - http://web.mac.com/gusbennettjr1

jisoo is such a chameleon - each time i see her she looks different. i love the placement of her feet - she looks like an installation in a gallery.
- k*m - http://www.kaystarr.com

I love the way the shadow is so strong at the top and then gradually fades as you look down. Cool effect.
- Adam - http://www.zooomr.com/photos/addywalter/