Carrie Allen - Vogon Analyst / Studio
September 06, 2007
I hope that's a hitchhiker's reference. I like her already
- John

That's great. She seems to be so graceful.
- zimmy (Berlin, Germany)

wow. yet another different style for you, and I absolutely love it. the colours, the light, the softness... the whole feel. in terms of pure aesthetic, this could be one of my favourite portraits of yours ever. more please! :)
- Andrea -

Lovely colors. And she's beautiful!
- Daldianus -

What John said. My words exactly :)
- Jesper Laugesen -

wow, either my eyes get bad, or everything but her eyes is blurred... grabs attention at once, love it! The colors are unlike you, Bill, really nice.
- Ela

My friend is so pretty! Hee. That aside, I love this one -- there's something very early Americana about it. It captures a spirit of beauty, dedication, strength and "goodness," somehow.
- Alexis

She kinda looks like the girl from Becker (Shawnee Smith).
- Dennis Ray Nestor Jr. -

love it - especially the colors and the expression. great!
- rebecca -

If you think this lady is beautiful You are not looking - she is content with herself. - That is all that is required..... -
- Jimmy

Oh, I love this portrait. Something about it makes me love Carrie. I want to talk to her, be her friend, discover the person behind those eyes. She's quite intriguing. This picture is powerful.
- Colton R.

I love this. It's quite she appeared out of the mist for just a second.
- Ade -

This photo sticks in the mind. Simple yet full. A portrait of a person I do not know yet somehow it feels like a friend. It's like saying goodbye at the front window. It easy to imagine this image might flash before someone's eyes when they remember the people in a life. Compassion is here.
- Boo -