Kevin A. Barry | Freelance Writer, Activist, and Modern Day Hero. / Griffith Park, LA
November 27, 2007
been waiting for an LA picture.! love how the city is so far in the background, and the real focus is the chaparral and kevin. you almost can't tell what city it is... but nope, there it is, in all its sprawling glory.
- Michelle

it looks like a fairytale with the sky and the far of city.
- anon

The complementary colors work well. As does the look of distrust.
- Sarah -

The colors are amazing. He looks kinda scared... I like it.
- Ela

Aw! With the green shirt, he looks like an elf! Go get me a pot of gold, elf! Hee! Seriously, good shot - Love the sunset. And congrats, Kevin... This is minute one of 15. :)
- Peter -

I love this - wow - how you got such depth and distance, the precise placement of the city and clouds and shrubs and Kevin himself, it's all so detailed and perfect. I wasn't sure about the bright green of his shirt at first, especially combined with the soft pink/purple/yellow of the city & sky, but now that I've been staring at it a while it's grown on me. and I love "modern day hero." one of my favorites. I'm sad there's only a month of 365 portraits left!
- zed -

I'm challenged whether to look at the sunset or the subject. While I want to get lost in the beauty of the twilight, Kevin seems to be looking at me, saying, "Are you serious? Get your feet back on the ground and let's get out of here before it gets dark and the bears eat us!"
- jen

I feel like the sunset , and the city silloutte , is like a scene from independance day .... firy skies , over a huge city , announcing the arrival of something big , of a modern day hero , of an activist ....on a person who wants to make a difference in the world....
- semary -

Very compelling portrait. The more you look the more details you discover. I agree that it has a fairytale-like quality.
- thymiane3000 -

Striking shot indeed. I do feel a heroic hint in the air of this photo, as the ominous sky looms heavily over the shoulders of our hero as he embarks on his journey. Love the poetic nuances of this shot.
- Cycleogical

The color in this photo is stunning
- Tiffany

I saw these clouds yesterday as I sat in traffic, I was hoping someone would take advantage of them. Nice.
- stikman -

Wow, just wow.
- Mikey

great shot, bill -- it feels like there's a dark story in there...
- nuno

Fabulous, just like most of your pictures. The colors, the details, the width, the depth. I dont like you blogg. I love your blogg. What will happen 080101 ? I dont know if I whant to know.
- Martin Stenmark -

I recognize that the point of your project is 365 portraits. However, I would have been extremely tempted to lose Kevin and just photograph the scenery! ;) Another great photo. The colors are outstanding. And, all joking aside, the expression on his face makes for great study.
- James Curtis Smith -

is he wearing a religious medal around his neck?
- rlb

Wonderfully time shot and location. The more I look a the photo, the more I get distracted by the twig sticking up on the left hand side. I also don't know whta the make of the expression on his face...seems a bit too meek-like for "activist, modern day hero".
- Greg -

Wow, what a brilliant photo--and handsome model!
- fritz -

Superb lighting. Very strong photograph.
- Alison -