Cyn Yen - Recently Over The Hill Shoe Whore / Hotel on Rivington
October 19, 2007
I like this. It's simple but interesting. It has a lot of emotion for me for some reason. It looks like you caught Cyn as she was deep in thought. As a side note, she is a beautiful model. Great shot as always, Bill. (PS: Oh my God shoes!)
- Amy

Beautiful lady, beautifully shot.
- mahonyWeb -

Provocative and Compelling - I love it.
- Cycleogical

Subtly seductive contrast of a subtly seductive model. Gorgeous.
- JK

Lovely woman, but I don't like the extras in the picture. The doorway is not vertical and that distracts. The TV on the wall is depressing with the bed. Both the door and the TV can be cut to give a better picture of the woman. I don't think these background issues are necessary for the image of the woman. The shadow on the wall is not helpful for the image either.
- John Andrews

She looks much younger than fourty.

Thanks for the honor of being part of your project and I love the photo. You really do have a talent for capturing people - you definitely caught my expression! Now I am immortalized at the ripe old age of 40 and in very much a good way thanks to you. It was great having the chance to catch up with you. Next time come out to the southern part of California for a visit.
- Cyn

The lighting and the white wall, make this photo magical. Love it!
- Ela

I'm sad she called herself whore, even just shoe whore because the pose is suggestive enough... I don't know. You can't even see her shoes.
- csd

Notice the slight self-protective position of her legs and how it contrasts with the open, 'absent' expression of her's fascinating how different parts of our selves can be doing completely different things.
- Tammy -

no, not 'absent.' unguarded.
- Tammy -