Lawrence Quigley - Artist, Lover of Monkeys / Prospect Heights
October 14, 2007
I like it.
- Amy

Absolutely fantastic use of blues in this picture, and the layout of the room is very well done too. As him if he buys from me Is that solisiting?
- Mikey

Aren't we all?
- Sarah -

Thanks Bill for letting me participate. I love the portrait. Yes Mikey, I do shop at Jerry's. Both online and When I'm in CT,. They have great stuff.
- Lawrence Quigley -

It is wonderful to see an artist in the studio... another real person
- rlb

this is sensational. i love his expression.
- story -

Thanks for the reply Lawrence! Jerry's Artarama is my family business. Jerry is my grandfather. Great picture!
- Mikey