Irene Rosenthal - Brooklyn Dwelling Queensie At Heart, Rapunzel / Studio
September 23, 2007
I like the separation of the lighting coming from the window, the way it gently shadows on her face. nice work.
- Daniel Krieger -

this really is beautiful.
- Andrea -

Irene is really really pretty. :]
- Danielle Ngo

just lovely, i love your titles too! this suggests a sweet urban fairy tale
- annmaria -

Really pretty model, gorgeous eyes, but the photo seems like a repeat of some that you did before. Doesn't mean it is not good, but you did that before.
- Ela

You really caught something here. She's pretty, yes, but it's something else behind the eyes. A hesitation. Perhaps a wit. Maybe even a fear. Regardless of how many times you shoot by a window, I really think you could do the same set up for 365 days and never take the same photo. Hmmm, there's an idea, isn't it?
- AL

Clean and clear and the slightest touch of worry. If my friend had this look on her face I would take her to do something fun and spoil her rotten. She looks like someone who would appreciate it but might need prodding. I just saw your announcement. Figures! No stops in Ohio.
- Boo -