Simon Hickson - Writer, Comedian, 20th Century Celebrity / Embankment, London WC2
August 03, 2007
Wonderful portrait, Bill! From the freckles on his arm, to the strength of his thumb against his forehead, to the grain of the denim. And all the better in black and white. But the question remains . . . how do you manage to photograph all of these celebrities?
- m

very very sexy - o yes

The quality of light in these UK shots is so different that the NYC photos. Lovely.
- Ade -

A remarkable study. A man with a million tales to tell. My favourite portrait so far... fantastic!
- Paul

20th Century celebrity - very good. Love the portrait as it is a odds with his 'public' persona. For those who don't know Simon is famous for being part of Trevor and Simon - a Saturday morning TV act which lampooned the kind of awful kid's TV entertainers we used to get. Don't let anyone say 'swing your pants' to him ever again.
- Jack

Really love this one!
- Ken -

This is a really excellent portrait illustrating the more serious grown-up side to a man I know as friend. I don't think he'd mind the mention of pants being swung by the way.
- Ben Norris -

Dear Simon, this is such a beautiful photo. There's so much of the you that I know here. I love it. Tess loves it too. Billy, thank you for taking such an amazing photo of someone who is very special to me.
- Sarah

This photo has a lot of soul.
- Danie Krieger -

Fantastic picture capturing a very different side of Simon. This guy really, really doesn't do duvets.
- Mr.B.