Michelle Coursey - Makeup Artist, Swing Dancer / Park Slope
July 22, 2007
very nice. something quite intriguing about this; I think it's the expression on her face and her pose, the way her right arm is and the way she's fiddling with her pendant... like she's lying down daydreaming, and you flipped it from being horizontal to vertical! very cool.
- andrea - www.andreamann.com

whoa... love it!
- samsplanet

Her hair is fabulous. This looks like a snap from a movie... really nice.
- Ela

Wow, She is beautiful! Like a swan daydreaming on a lake. Her hair is so alive. A real live beauty!
- Renee

Simply lovely.
- Boo - http://www.xanga.com/Boowasborn

una de las mujeres mas enigmaticas que he conocido, de una belleza salbaje pero a la vez tierna, sofisticada y a la vez sencilla, elegante y simple, con ese toque de tristeza en su mirada para volberse loco por ella
- edu