Michael "McDogg" McAloon - Evolutionary Biologist / Watertown, CT
May 18, 2007
Duuuuuude. Once again, the portraits captures props that can tell many stories. I love it when 'things' are included in portraits! Super! nice job Bill. Also, the expression on his face is superb. Cheers!
- Alexander

Very nice: Whatever he's saying, it's gotta be interesting ;)
- Jesper Laugesen - http://laugesen.org/

I love the subtle colors in this - the grow lights were very concentrated and made his face all peachy pink and adorable (though I may be biased). Mike gets seriously excited about all things Science and loves to share that enthusiasm with others - you somehow captured all of that in his expression. Fantastic job!
- "Mrs. McAloon"

WOW! I love this photo! The colors are, as usually, amazing. The light is perfect, and the fact that it feels like he is talking with us, makes this photo one of your best so far. Great job Bill! Where exactly was it taken? I mean the room.
- Ela

This guy rocks. I could totally get my nerd on with him. What's hotter than a double helix and a flowerpot? Oh wait... a pink shirt. Well done. And in all seriousness, flourescent light never looked so nice.
- csd

As soon as I say this photo I exclaimed "Ah yes, righteous!' You've gotta love it when you can take a beautiful photo of a man's nerdy passion! I adore the environment of the shot.
- Eaglefille - http://gonzaga.facebook.com/profile.php?name=28206276