Kendell Monroe - Mother, Volunteer, And Numerology Dabbler / Gramercy Park
March 15, 2007
Good one. This woman knows a thing or two.
- kate

ps who is this Boo that talks to you everyday?
- kate

What a confident, wise looking woman
- Rocky

*LOVE*LOVE*LOVE* the use of color in this. How wonderful.
- Mary

"Numerology Dabbler" - is that, like, playing the lottery? Great shot. Your photos emit such feeling and attitude.
- Richie

Now she looks like a great lunch date, like she might have some great advice. Very sharp and so much growth appears around her or seems to, event he gate behind looks like vines growing. Ha! ^^^ Oh kate, I hesistate to address another who has not asked anything of me, but I will as I do not think Mr. Wadman has any idea who I am other than a mere pest who found this site from a link on zefrank's page a while ago. Since then it's been a sort of zen moment in my day to see what this talented photographer has done and who he has brought to the table. Each composition in images forms a human story in my mind and I am very appreciative of that. It is as if coming here I get the chance to pause and really see a person, and so often in the harried day such pauses are forgotten. And what a treasure these pauses are no? It is a wonder and a privilege to see that someone has thought to provide them and with such talent.
- Boo -

Oh, how regal!
- Yvonne Carts-Powell

Boo, I couldn't agree with you more.
- kate

Boo, I think it is time you have your own portrait done for the website....!