James Stuart - Hot Chocolate Connoisseur / The City Bakery
March 13, 2007
excellent, excellent shot.
- andrea - www.andreamann.com

This is quite interesting because I have just become a hot chocolate connoisseur recently, too. I've tried Whittard, Twinings, Green & Black's and the best, Chocolat Charbonnel, which you have just mixed with hot water. Mmmm.

City Bakery is clearly the best hot chocolate. Good call!
- Max - http://www.anonycon.com

Ooh, I like the lock of hair!
- Yvonne Carts-Powell

Now that is some serious sipping. Mmmm! To be unabashedly girly, I like the light because it shows off that gorgeous hair.
- Boo - http://www.xanga.com/Boowasborn

You gotta also try MarieBelle on Broome St. in Soho. Great picture BTW.
- Margot Avery - web.mac.com/grove.goddess

Errr sorry 'Anon' you have no idea. Chocolate should never be mixed with hot water in cooking and the same applies to drinking chocolate - always hot mik.
- tracy toor