Robert Wadman - Uncle Bob aka Chicky aka Uncle Chick / Waterbury, CT
March 04, 2007
"Pick a plank... any plank..." . This is so great. You've caught such a brilliant and natural expression here - in Bob's body language as well as his face. His personality just leaps off the page (or rather, screen).
- andrea -

Aaaaah, home sweet home. This is sooo good.:-) A.Margaret

GREAT SHOT !!! I have had the privelege of knowing this man (Uncle Chick) for 34 years. Billy, you could not have captivated him any better!!! If one could describe his personality without using words....this is IT!!!
- David McDonnell

That's the happiest man I've ever seen at Home Depot! I've really been enjoying these portraits -- thanks for doing this and thanks for sharing!
- Yvonne Carts-Powell

talk about catching a moment.
- Josh Rothhaas -

Like a true master of the woods.
- Danielle Ngo

Great pic of our beloved Uncle Chicky!! I can just hear him now..."Billy, what am I suppose to do....which way do I look?" I enjoy looking at your photos. You inspire me! Love, Cousin Sue
- Cousin Susan

this is my favorite picture by far that you've done. i love the colors, the way the wood is stacked up, the angle and composition of the shot, but most of all for the expression on his face. he's so happy! it makes me genuinely happy to see this picture ^_^ i am in love with your uncle ^_^ so much joy!
- youri

This is an excellent picture in every respect (one of my favorites to date) and one FANtASTIC subject.
- Iris

Great photo of Uncle Chicky -the kids love it. We are enjoying this newest project !The Jim Wadman Kids
- Kirsten Wadman