Sherri Jackson - Geek Of Ill Repute / Brooklyn Museum
February 25, 2007
There I am! I had a lot of fun shooting with you today. This whole project is such a great idea.
- Sherri -

I love it! She stands out against the white. Well done!
- Adian

arty. the bar between her and the paintings throws me off a bit, and leads the eye in wierd directions, but im not sure if your looking for critque. otherwise another gem, really.
- Josh Rothhaas -

just noticed the chair aspect. ie. the way she's on the chair looking at you, leaving the empty chair facing the other way for somebody to come and sit and look at the paintings we're also looking at. not sure if that was deliberate, but either way, it adds something...
- andrea -

The composition is sweet. It is suggestive of a message with those chairs, but I have to admit that with the caption I am tempted to believe that both are for one person to gain different perspectives and information. All of those pictures look like they could be one big picture and she in front the creator of their meaning. I think she is beautiful and natural here.
- Boo -

Geek of Ill Repute. I like that. Good shot.
- Phil -

One of my faves. Wonderful and interesting.
- Julie -