Neil Bar-or - Globetrotter / Red Hook
February 11, 2007
wOw! is it a portrait of the enfeebled train or the itinerant man? striking. everything about this is utterly striking.
- s.

great composition and setting, but it's the colours especially that I love on this one. orange and blue make each other stand out (as the Impressionists knew - their form of HDR perhaps? ;-))... so that's partly why it's so beautiful and striking, I think. another great shot, Bill.
- andrea -

blue, red, and pretty.
- Josh Rothhaas -

You've photographed several photographers/artists as part of this series. When you photograph a photographer or artist (or anyone else for that matter), do you work with the subject collabratively on how they wish to be represented, or are you making the decisions about context, composition, lighting, etc. unilaterally?
- Jonathan

Sometimes it's a collaboration and sometimes they trust me. Probably more of the later most of the time. Neil and I worked together on this one.
- bill -

I don't think I've ever actually had a fondness for rust until now. It's almost like he's leaning on a painting. Accessible art!
- Boo -