Margot Avery - Actress and Daughter / Greenwich Village
February 09, 2007
I always like it when a photo has blown out light sources but still looks great. just a thing.
- Josh Rothhaas -

Love it! Great companion to previous photo! (I know that because i know them both!)
- carla

The composition in this photo is terrific. Of course, when you have a subject as compelling as Margot, it isn't a surprise when the portrait is arresting.
- Phillip B

I love what you've done with color on both this one and my mom's (yesterday). They really are beautiful photographs.
- Margot Avery -

Oh, she does favor her mother. Good to know one has such beauty still waiting in the wings! This looks so much like one of those pauses in places that are not meant for pauses in which sometimes the best stuff is communicated. Breaking the rules of the space to embrace another higher standard, as if there no care of the time but of a person and company instead. Man! I just makes me want to have tea and a chat with this lovely daughter!
- Boo -

Glorious photographs of the Margots Stevenson and Avery -- you captured their loving spirits as beautifully as you captured their lovely faces. If we didn't already love both of them, we'd fall in love with them through their photographs. Their friends, Nancy Foster & Michael Huddleston, Blue Ridge, Virginia
- nancy foster -

knowing Margot since High School it is safe to say that I have always been aware of and drawn to her sensualtiy, as well as her strength and intelligence; which is captured here - but this photograph also reveals a sadness - stallwart as it may be - that I never really saw before - all of which makes for an excellent portrait of an already intreaging and talented woman.
- dori keller

Yeah, this is pretty great ...
- Lauri -

Almost everyone has unequal eyes. In her they are quite beguiling.

Love this.